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Marketing is a hurdle that all businesses face. The question is, how do they overcome it? Read on to find out.
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Got a print interview or TV segment coming up? We can help you communicate confidently and effectively.
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Learn about the Surge in ETFs, Real Marketing that Works, Media Opportunities for Fund Managers and What Advisors Really Want.
The Conference is complimentary this year. Join us for two days, two panels each day, including time for Q&A. These Zoom events take place on July 20 & 21 from 2 - 3:30 ET. Come away with actionable ideas to grow your fund business. SunStar's annual fund conference is known as "one of the best conferences for small and mid-sized fund companies."
Panelists include ETF experts, fund marketers, financial journalists and financial advisors. Check out the full agenda and REGISTER here.
Sponsored by Cohen & Co. and Foreside
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Summer is almost upon us, which means more outdoor activities like going to the beach and swimming. It's almost impossible to sit in the sand without building something - whether it's just a mound of sand or an elaborate castle. If you were going to build a sandcastle, you would likely employ the same strategies to build a sandcastle that you would to grow a mutual fund.
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There is never a bad time to design and commit to a PR plan. Good intentions quickly fade as day-to-day responsibilities consume our time.
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PR and marketing are similar to a jigsaw puzzle: no one piece will make it whole.
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Do you remember comedian George Carlin's infamous list of words that couldn't be uttered on TV?
We asked a sampling of mutual fund public relations and marketing professionals what words or phrases they absolutely dread hearing a portfolio manager utter and why. We’re sharing their input and comments anonymously so as to protect the guilty.
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Planning, reviewing, and executing are all important steps in the public relations process.
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“Time and money are tight and the budget is stretched thin.”
Adding Public Relations right now might not seem like the best idea. Yes, it is an added cost and it will require additional time, but the investment is worth it. In the long run PR can become an invaluable tool in building your brand because it allows you to:
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Don't just send an email to send an email. Doing your research before you email can save you time and money AND help you keep them interested!
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Have you ever wondered how CNBC or Fox Business selects the fund managers they interview? Or how Barron's features a little-known fund, but you've been around twice as long?
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SAVE THE DATE: Join your fund industry peers for our virtual conference.
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Zoom is both a blessing and a curse. When the pandemic hit, Zoom and other video conferencing providers, saved the day.
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For asset managers social media may seem to be more trouble than it’s worth.
We live in a digital society that is now even more so thanks to the pandemic.