Got a print interview or TV segment coming up? We can help you communicate confidently and effectively.


The Magic of Messaging and Media Training

Just kidding - it's not magic, it's training.

Learning to convey your message to the media in a compelling way is essential.  At SunStar we understand the value of strong communication and offer our expertise to clients through message development and media training sessions.

In our Messaging Workshop we help firms put together a compelling story, learn to tell it consistently and in a way that connects with the audience.

In Media Training we will teach you all the key elements of interview etiquette, such as proper body language, answering techniques, and expressing your key points.

And we’re not just tooting our own horn. The feedback from analysts who completed one of our media training sessions reflects our success. In fact, 100% rated the training and our facilitator as “effective” or “very effective.” Also, 100% of participants felt SunStar’s overall understanding of the subject matter was “knowledgeable” or “very knowledgeable.”

While 40% of participants rated their confidence prior to training as “not confident at all” and another 40% felt “somewhat confident,” the same group rated their confidence level as “confident” (60%), “very confident” (20%) or “somewhat confident” (20%) after training. The analysts found the session so useful that 100% are interested in a refresher or advanced media training annually.

Download our free e-book to learn more tips and tricks to tell your story during media interviews.


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