Take pride in your company’s environmental consciousness and make it a part of your story.
If you own an eco-friendly company, you know marketing it is of the utmost importance. Check out the following strategies to learn how to tailor your marketing to your company’s values.
- Drive a hybrid car. Few things better demonstrate practicing what you preach than sporting an eco-friendly car. A hybrid or electric car show that you believe in the renewable movement and are doing your part. Additionally, this commitment could trickle down to your employees and encourage carpooling or biking to work
- E-press kit. If you are promoting anything to do with energy efficiency and saving the planet, the last thing you should do is waste paper with traditional press kits. Besides, reporters would much rather deal with emails these days.
- E-newsletter. Much like wasting paper on a press kit, you shouldn’t inundate people with paper newsletters. Sending important, regular updates through email not only is far greener, but helps you present yourself as savvy and modern.
- Create a blog. Providing useful info to your clients and supporters through a blog is a great way to create a loyal fan base. Connecting with them on a personal basis through social platforms will draw intrigue and product loyalty.
- Promotional material. Fortunately, there are many types of nifty green-oriented gifts and promotional materials, such as recycled pens, eco-notebooks, seed pots and more.
For more ideas, visit our Responsible Investing blog.
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