While many make resolutions each New Year's Day - financial health shouldn't be one of them. Instead, it should be something to focus on year round.

In a recent piece for Forbes, Liz Frazier Peck, CFP and author, shared 10 financial resolutions that should be for everyday life - not just for New Year's Day.

The New Year is often a time when many take stock of their current situation and make resolutions for improvement. Peck suggests these 10 resolutions should be EVERYDAY resolutions to gain financial health.

  1. Adopt a positive attitude about money
  2. Set life goals
  3. Prioritize goals
  4. Organize your finances
  5. Evaluate your budget
  6. Pay yourself first
  7. Max out your retirement
  8. Review your investments
  9. Update all important documents
  10. Teach your children about finances


You can find the full article with more detail here.