If you’ve never played the piano would you expect to sit down and play like Mozart? Probably not, so why would you expect to give a spectacular media interview without a little practice?
Practice and preparation can help what could have been a mediocre media interview turn into a great one!
If you have access to a video camera – or even a colleague with a cell phone – practice giving interviews on camera. Thanks to today's technology many interviews take place remotely so you can practice via Skype or Zoom. Record a "fake interview" with a colleague.
Watching yourself as you appear on camera is a great way to spot things you might miss and make any necessary corrections. Perhaps you fidget when your nervous – seeing yourself fidget on camera allows you to see how it would appear to a viewer and determine if it’s something you want to look out for.
What non-verbal cues are you sending? Are you making eye contact? If you're practicing via video conferencing pay attention to where you need to look so you are looking directly into the camera.
What is your body language saying?
How is your delivery? Are you speaking clearly and slowly enough for viewers to understand? Are you using jargon?
The Buddy System
Consider viewing the tape with a trusted colleague. Ask for their input on both your appearance and their perception. Are you coming across as knowledgeable? Trustworthy? What feedback can they provide?
The Curve Ball
Have your “interviewer” throw you a few curve-ball questions. Observe your reactions and answers on tape. Do you appear flustered? Are you able to guide the question back to your firm or product? Use this as an opportunity to field and respond to unexpected questions. The more you practice the less you’re likely to “panic” on camera.
A great media interview can be great for your firm. Practice your interview skills and refine them as needed.
Practice makes perfect!
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