Is your body language contradicting what you're saying? Are your actions or behaviors undermining your words?

When it comes to communication there is much more at play than just the words coming out of your mouth:
  • Body language
  • Tone
  • Attitude

These all speak for you as well.

Avoid contradiction

Don't let your verbal and non-verbal communications contradict each other.

Our e-book, The Unspoken Word: Actions Speak Louder Than Words, addresses the many ways your behaviors and non-verbal communications can affect how others view you. During a media interview you have one chance to make a first impression - make it a good one!

Take advantage of the tips we've compiled to make sure you're putting your best foot forward.
Unspoken word

Media interviews make you nervous?

Sessions range from half to full day. During the session, we'll guide your team through a lively, interactive discovery process. Together we'll help you uncover your differentiators and messages. At the end of the session you’ll have a concise, compelling set of key messages about your firm, its disciplined process and expected outcomes. You’ll be able to use them to take control of sales discussions and media interviews and to bring consistency across all your digital and print collateral.

Are you ready to get started?