During 2020, what some call “the year we stayed home,” social media use grew considerably.

47% of internet users (16-64) spent 23% longer on social media in 2020 than in 2019, and in the U.S. social media mobile app usage increased significantly following state lockdowns.

The increases weren’t just individuals scrolling through food and pet photos – e-commerce sales were also growing.

Even when life returns to “normal” or a reversion to something closer to a pre-pandemic lifestyle, social media will continue to play an important role to businesses large and small. Usage varies from one firm to the next and across industries, but many can or soon will use it for outreach, customer service, sales, and brand awareness.

Buffer.com recently tackled the topic of social media for smaller businesses noting key benefits:

Brand recognition – high impact and low cost with free social media accounts
Targeted reach – possible based on your budget using platform-specific tools
Client engagement – social media allows customer service options previously not possible


 They went on to share their top 5 social media tips for businesses:

Metrics. Which matter and which don’t? 

“Don’t get caught up on “vanity metrics” — metrics that make you feel good but don’t help you make decisions, take action, or judge value.”


Analytics. Monitor what is working and what isn’t. Once you’ve identified the metrics that matter, build reports to follow and measure them, and make refinements as necessary.

“With reports, you can compare metrics such as engagement rates, click-throughs, and follower demographics to determine which type of content resonates with your audience.”


Personality. Social media can and should showcase the personality of your firm.

“Think of your social media as an extension of your brand’s voice, tone, and personality.”


Customer service. At first blush, this may seem more appropriate for retail, but it doesn’t have to be. Social media allows your clients direct contact with your firm.

“Superior customer service via social media boils down to three things: speed, tone, and results. People want quick responses from empathetic humans who are prepared to resolve problems.”


Schedule. Social media can often be relegated to the back burner. When considering tasks that need to be completed it can be easiest to push aside as not urgent. A perk of social media is the ability to schedule a series of posts at a time that is convenient.

“Scheduling also gives you more visibility into your messaging over time.”

("Social Media for Small Businesses," Buffer.com)


Social media isn’t a trend that’s going to fade. It will change over time and some platforms may fade while new ones emerge, but social media is here to stay.

Are you ready to tackle social media for your firm? It can seem daunting particularly when considering compliance hurdles. It doesn’t have to be - SunStar can help you get started!