Struggling to create new content at a such a quick rate? There's an easy way to create more content with less effort! 

Published 3/25/18

In the past, marketers and public relations executives would have to create many pieces of new content at a fast rate.  Think of a media interview. In the past, if a fund manager had a great interview you'd cross your fingers and hope it was seen by your target audience.

That's the old method of content creation.

Today, you can do so much more with that single press interview. Before the interview even takes place you can announce it on your website or alert your target audience via email.

Following the interview, you can have it transcribed and secure reprint rights. You can email links to your audience, post them on your website, link back to the media piece in other mailings and emails, share them across your social media sites... etc.  The list goes on!

You can find the full article on Advisorpedia to find even more ways to leverage content.